real Russian hair reviews Russian Hair Company

Discussion in 'Hair' started by AllanJudge, Apr 23, 2017.

  1. AllanJudge
    Another thread about my own hair, sorry.

    I'm about to purchase Russian extensions from Transform, mainly to thicken my own hair up. I don't want long hair or anything.

    My own hair is around a 5, some might say a 4. It's pretty toneless.
    Next week i'll be colouring my own hair with a L'Oreal cool cover, probably a level 8. I want it to be very ashy and still quite dark.

    Will the Russian hair colour evenly? Sometimes it's hard for colour to penetrate the hair due to how it's treated, but will Russian hair be better for this?
    Is Transforms Russian hair even real Russian hair?

    I've attached 2 images take from Transforms Facebook colour chart, these are the colours close to my own colour.
    I don't know the first thing about extensions so hopefully someone experienced can make sense of what i'm asking.

    Should I choose a colour lighter than what I want so I can darken it?

    ImageUploadedBySalonGeek1452960561.773237.jpg ImageUploadedBySalonGeek1452960581.324578.jpg
  2. AllanJudge
    I love this colour and colours like it. Cool, ashy, no warmth.
  3. cassies97
    No transform russian isn't real russian.

    Extensions are fine if you're darkening but I wouldn't go more than three shades darker. But even still sometimes because they're so porous you can see the brush strokes and lines where you've applied with your brush.

    If you want it to colour like real hair then you need to get virgin slavic.
  4. AllanJudge
    Do you know what type of hair Transforms 'russian' hair is? Where can I get quality russian hair?

    Do you think Mongolian hair would be okay for my hair?
  5. AllanJudge
    I was going to pay £100 for 75 strands of 0.8g (I think it was). This is the price range i'm wanting to stick to.
    I know Russian hair is the best hair, but if I can find something that lasts for atleast 4 months and still looks okay that will be great. I'm not bothered about them lasting 2 years.
  6. cassies97
    Its either really good indian or southern Russian which pretty much makes it asian.

    You can get quality Russian hair from they introduced slavic hair to the market back in the 90's.

    Mongolian would be fine if you're looking for processed hair.
  7. AllanJudge
    Do you know how long a person would get out of mongolian extensions? Baring in mind they wont go through what a girls extensions would and being a lot shorter.

    Is Mongolian hair better quality than Indian?
  8. cassies97
    Its not really mongolian either haha.

    But probably about a year from what people on here have said about tansform.

    Real mongolian is better quality than indian yeah.
  9. AllanJudge
    I thought people on here rave about Transform? And they've got about 20,000 likes on Facebook.

    I can't justify spending £200 on extensions for my 2 hairs and a nit

    Do you know any suppliers of genuine European or genuine Mongolian hair? I've hounded you on here so many times, sorry haha.
  10. cassies97
    Yeah their hair is good don't get me wrong!

    Mongolia is a tiny country so finding true mongolian hair thats processed well will he difficult. For genuine european you're looking at the same pricetag as slavic really.

    Its a very deceiving industry.
  11. AllanJudge
    It really is... Why risk your reputation though? Just be honest.

    Do you think I should buy their 'Russian' hair? Do you know what the lifespan of it is, roughly? I know of hair that has gone like straw within weeks. Dry and brittle.
    As long as it stays looking decent for a few months i'd be happy. Is it worth £100 though for 3 bundles? (Each bundle has 25 strands of 0.8g)
  12. surf girl
    Transform Mongolian is 1gram, I thought your hair is thin that's why you want to put extensions in? It lasts a year
  13. AllanJudge
    My hair is very thin. Wouldn't you advise getting extensions?
    Do you like the transform hair? Have you tried the Russian and Mongolian?
  14. surf girl
    I use the Mongolian on my clients but I wouldn't use it on my own because it's 1g, fine hair needs 0.5 when I had my last set in I used the 1g Mongolian for only 5 of the whole head application (the rest was 0.5 remy) I had so much pain and irritation with them because they were to heavy for my scalp, I have a lovley bald patch too on my temple because on of my kids led on one in bed and pulled it! You could cut the 1g in half tho I suppose and get 2 pieces out of 1 bond. I've said this in another thread to you tho, I would make your own tiny thin bonds and fit them, the least weight possible on the root that way
    cassies97 likes this.
  15. cassies97
    Tbh i'd look at getting a hair integration system.
    cmsuper and surf girl like this.
  16. surf girl
    Their so expensive tho! My mate paid £2000 for her 1'st one and £1500 for her 2nd! I'd just get hair extensions bond them yourself using a glue stick & gun into smaller pieces
    cassies97 likes this.
  17. AllanJudge
    Cam, No i've had a hairpiece before, they're too much hassle. Way too much hassle.

    Kahuna, I feel like hot fusion would just be too messy. Does your baldy spot not grow hair anymore that must have hurt.

    I've had loads of people give me info on here before but i'm one of them people I need to be told and told before I go ahead with something. I just don't want to waste money and I need them doing by 25th of Jan for a competition in Blackpool. So i'm panicking.

    Do you think I should buy a weft of hair and use a keratin gun to bond it then?
    surf girl likes this.
  18. surf girl
    Yea if u use a weft do 4 lines on the sewing part, when you've got it in front of you you'll see what I mean lol, where the top is sewn count 4 gaps in the sewing of the weave & cut it leaving the sewing attached to the main cotton that goes along the top, bond it a cm from the sewing & then chop at the top of the glue :) perfect slim bonds :) nope my baldy bits not coming back! Those intergration systems are ok for ladies I think but men's ones are much harder to look after :( hot fusions not messy teach a friend how to bond & ask them to do it for you with your guidance
  19. cmsuper
    t Do you like the transform hair? Have you tried the Russian and Mongolian?[/QUOTE]

    I would not apply hair extensions on very fine hair as this can make your natural hair even weaker and you can end up with bold patches etc
    If you badly want to try it make sure you only apply extensions on the sections where your hair is strong.
    Try Tasha Jacks hair extensions they sell genuine European and Russian, the dark colours are quite good.
  20. cassies97
    Just friggin buy it

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